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Talks and presentations from the research group

Below are a collection of talks and presentations from the research group given at conferences, events and meetings worldwide.


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Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Measuring and Imaging Aluminium in Human Brain Tissue.
Venue: 2020, London.

London 2020 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Aluminium Toxicity and Human Health.
Venue: 2020, Washington.

Washington 2020 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Visualising aluminium in the human brain across complex neurological disorders.
Venue: 2019, Mexico.

Mexico 2019 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Dr Emma Shardlow
Talk title: Exploring the rationale for the high concentration of aluminium used in clinical vaccinations.
Venue: 2018, Lisbon.

Lisbon 2018 E Shardlow.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Silicic Acid:Nature’s ‘Detox’ for Aluminium.
Venue: 2019, Berlin.

C Exley Berlin 2019 .jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Systemic Toxicity of Aluminium Adjuvants.
Venue: 2019, Warsaw.

Warsaw 2019 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Silicic Acid.
Venue: 2019, Mexico (Talk 1).

Mexico 2019 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Aluminium is Toxic!
Venue: 2019, Mexico (Talk 2).

Mexico 2019 2 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Imaging Aluminium in Human Brain Tissue.
Venue: 2019, Geneva.

Geneva 2019 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Visualising aluminium in human brain tissue in autism and multiple sclerosis.
Venue: 2018, Portugal.

Portugal 2018 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Intracellular tracing of amyloid vaccines through direct fluorescent labelling.
Venue: 2018, Israel.

Israel 2018 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Dr Emma Shardlow
Talk title: A matter of survival: Assessing the long term viability of ABA loaded macrophages.
Venue: 2019, Mexico.

Mexico 2019 E Shardlow.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: The Aluminium Age.
Venue: 2018, ICH Marseille (Talk 1).

ICNH Marseille 2018 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Living Safely in the Aluminium Age.
Venue: 2018, ICH Marseille (Talk 2).

ICNH Marseille 2 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: You Want it Darker? Here Comes The Light.
Venue: 2018, Washington.

Washington 2018 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Ageing, Aluminium and Silicon.
Venue: 2018, Zurich.

Zurich 2018 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Aluminium Adjuvants and HPV.
Venue: 2018, Isle of Man.

Isle of Man 2018 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Ageing, Aluminium and Silicon.
Venue: 2018, London.

London 2018 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Aluminium and Alzheimer's Disease.
Venue: 2018, Donostia.

Donostia 2017 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Intracellular tracing of amyloid vaccines through direct fluorescent labelling.
Venue: 2017, India.

India 2017 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Classical fluorophores for the detection of aluminium and related neuropathologies in familial Alzheimer's disease brain tissues.
Venue: 2017, Vancouver.

Vancouver 2017 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Silicic acid, a molecule for all seasons (and climates).
Venue: 2017, Sheffield.

Sheffield 2017 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Living in the Aluminium Age.
Venue: 2017, San Francisco (Talk 1).

San Francisco 2017 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Living Safely (and Healthily) in the Aluminium Age.
Venue: 2017, San Francisco (Talk 2).

San Francisco 2017 2 C Exley.jpg

Speakers: Prof. Exley, Dr Shardlow & Dr Mold
Talk title: The Toxicity of Aluminium Adjuvants.
Venue: 2016, Leipzig.

Leipzig C Exley E Shardlow M Mold 2016.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Human Exposure to Aluminium: Aluminium Age and/or Tyranny.
Venue: 2016, Mallorca.

Mallorca 2016 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Just 25 minutes to save the world!
Venue: 2016, Washington.

Washington 2016 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Aluminium and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Venue: GMS 2016, Berlin.

C Exley Berlin 2016 .jpg

Speaker: Dr Matthew Mold
Talk title: Elucidating upon the cellular uptake of aluminium adjuvants and amyloid antigens in T helper 1 cells.
Venue: 2015, Lille.

Lille 2015 M Mold.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Human Exposure to Aluminium: Infants. A Special Case.
Venue: AutismOne, June 2015, Chicago.

Chicago 2015 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Human Exposure to Aluminium: Implications for Neurodegenerative Diseases Including Alzheimer’s Disease.
Venue: 15th BfR Consumer Protection Forum, November 2014, Berlin.

C Exley Berlin 2014 .JPG

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Human Exposure to Aluminium: Aluminium Adjuvants and Immunotherapy.
Venue: EAACI 2014, Copenhagen.

Copenhagen 2014 C Exley.jpg

Speaker: Prof. Christopher Exley
Talk title: Adjuvants in Allergy: Human Exposure to Aluminium.
Venue: 2014, Munich.

Munich 2014 C Exley.jpg

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