Welcome to the Aluminium Research Group
BITCHUTE: Prof Exley on HPV
and Aluminium
Prof. Exley is interviewed by Christina England on the HPV Vaccine and Aluminium. Watch the full video at BITCHUTE below:
BITCHUTE: Measuring and Imaging Aluminium in Human Brain Tissues
Prof. Exley gives his Keynote Presentation at the Nutrition Collective in London, UK. Watch the full video at BITCHUTE below:
Issue 109: Special Cover Edition
Combatting Sources of Environmental Pollution
An interview with Prof. Christopher Exley
"Professor Christopher Exley details his 35+ years of research into aluminium's toxicity and his recent appalling treatment by Keele University".
An interview with The Epoch Times
Expert on Aluminium Toxicity Forced Out of University
By Jennifer Margulis and Joe Wang
Read the full interview here
By a... Curious Girl
Through the looking glass...
How a university, its major funders and a newspaper killed research into the toxicity of aluminium adjuvants in vaccines.
By Jackie Black, a writer from Provincial New Zealand
Read the full interview here
The influence of aluminium and copper upon the early aggregator behaviour and size of Islet amyloid polypeptide under simulated
physiological conditions.
Emma Shardlow, Lewis Brown & Christopher Exley.
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 73, 127027 (2022).
Hello, and welcome to the new website of the Aluminium Research Group. The group was previously based in The Birchall Centre, Keele University from 1992 to 2021.
If you are interested in supporting our research please feel free to contact us here.
Please see below for presentations, research publications, news and more.
2019: Isle of Man Prof. Exley Keynote
The Solari Report

By Catherine Austin Fitts
By Catherine Austin Fitts.
"Finding Health in the Aluminium Age".
Jennifer Walters interviews Prof. Christopher Exley about his life's work studying aluminium.

iTunes Podcast
"You're The Cure".
Dr Ben Edwards interviews Prof. Christopher Exley on his Podcast.

Our interactive blog
Our new blog on Substack. The Latest Musings of Mr Aluminium.
Watch this space for unedited insight into aluminium in human health.
New Posts!!
Open Access
scientific reports
Aluminium Co-localises with Biondi Ring Tangles in Parkinson's Disease and Epilepsy.
Matthew J. Mold & Christopher Exley.
Scientific Reports 12, 1465 (2022).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-05627-8
Our latest paper on aluminium. Read more about our latest findings here.
The Robert Scott Bell (RSB) Show: Aluminium toxicity with Prof. Christopher Exley.
Is Science Dead? An interview with Tony Gosling.
Prof. Chris Exley on #aluminium in the context of current events. An interview with Tony Gosling.

Miri AF
Research News
Miri Anne Finch (Miri AF), provides an exclusive report with Christopher Exley PhD FRSB; Science Sold Out: How one of the UK's top research scientists has been smeared, vilified, and forced into silence for his lifelong commitment to genuinely following the science".
Check out the full interview HERE!!
Research News
Aluminium in Alzheimer's Disease
A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports (JADR) continues to support a growing body of evidence that aluminum contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Researchers found aluminum co-located with phosphorylated tau protein, which is an early initiator of AD.
Are you interested in keeping in touch with our research? If so, please feel free to subscribe to our mailing list here, thank you: Subscribe
The Birchall Centre
Welcome to the website of the Aluminium Research Group. The group was previously based in The Birchall Centre, Keele University from 1992 to 2021. We are currently looking for a new home. In the meantime, we have set up this website to keep as many as possible informed about our research and research activities.
Our Research
The Unit started off with three general themes, of which our group focus is Aluminium and Silicon in Biology. The group is led by Professor Christopher Exley, FRSB and the current research themes within the group are varied, including metals and amyloids; biosilicification in plant species; human exposure to Aluminium, whether intentional (e.g. in antiperspirants or adjuvants) or unintentional; and hydroxyaluminosilicates.
From Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom: "Here I have reimagined Charles Darwin's Tree of Life in order to demonstrate the emergence in evolutionary time of biologically reactive aluminum".
Imagine You are an Aluminium Atom
To purchase a copy of Professor Christopher Exley's new book, please visit the publisher's website below:
Book Review: Henry Bauer. Journal of Scientific Exploration.
A News section has now been added to the website!
A Talks section has now been added to the website!

Presentations, interviews, documentaries and more can be found on our YouTube channel.
The Hippocratic Post
Prof. Christopher Exley FRSB
What does it take to live in the aluminium age? Why aluminium? FInd out more about the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust here.